Chesterfield Exterminator Services

Decoding The Hidden Patterns – How To Identify Earwigs


Never underestimate what small insects can do. Smaller insects called earwigs have the potential to infiltrate homes and cause issues for Chesterfield homeowners. These insects fall within the crawling insect group. They feature antennae in addition to their about six legs. The hue might range from black to brownish. They often have a small, flat body.

Although certain earwigs have the ability to fly, it is rare to see them doing so. If we discuss their environment, we see that they are hiding under logs or rocks, if any are around. The presence of moisture in your place of residence might draw the earwigs to it.  

Since earwigs enjoy dampness, you should make an effort to keep your space dry. They are not very visible during the day in terms of their habits. It is likely that you will spot them at night. It might be challenging to get rid of them at times, even though there are various ways to manage their infestation.

It is preferable in these circumstances to get in touch with Chesterfield Exterminator Services. Experts have -the right experience since they have been managing earwigs and numerous other pests for years. They can assist you in maintaining a pest-free home.  

What do earwigs feed upon?

There is a wide variety of diets that earwigs like, and they can vary from animal matter to plant matter. They consume leaves on a daily basis. Some other foods that feed on include fungi, different flies, aphids, flowers, vegetables, and fruits. They also feed on pupae of caterpillars and eggs of beetles. 

What does the lifecycle of earwigs include?

There are different stages that are included in the lifecycle of an earwig; let us discuss those stages briefly here:

  • Eggs stage: 

Earwigs are seen to mate in late summers, and the females lay about 30-50 eggs, which can be 55 too. After laying eggs, females remain around to protect those eggs and put a protective layer on top by using their saliva. 

When favorable conditions are there, the eggs might hatch early and take around 20 days at maximum. If the weather conditions are not suitable, the eggs may hatch in 70 days. 

  • Nymphs:

This is the second stage that emerges after the eggs hatch. The newly emerged earwigs are what we call nymphs. They also go through four nymphal instars. 

  • Adults:

The nymphs reach the adulthood stage, usually in August or September. This is when they become capable of mating and sexually mature.

What are the damages associated with earwigs?

Earwigs are usually found outside, and they nibble on leaves and flowers from different trees. They can cause damage to trees and flowers. However, their damage is not so much that it will kill a plant. They can cause long-term health problems and affect vegetation as well. 

When they are found inside homes, people can find these insects annoying and might even get frightened. You can find these insects in crevices around the house, or cracks will be enough for their infestation. 

How can you prevent earwig infestation?

There are simple things that may prove to be really helpful in preventing earwig infestation: 

  • Keep your place clean and free of moisture.
  • Do not leave any food residues behind. 
  • Keep your food in tight containers, and do not spill anything around.
  • Keep your kitchen clean.
  • Fix any gaps or crevices around the house, as it can be a way for them to enter your place. 
  • Keep your outside area clean and trim your plants. 
  • Have a good look at your plants every day to make sure there is no sign of earwigs. 

Wrapping Up!

It is recommended to reach out to a professional when you have tried everything else and nothing worked out. Pest control services in Sheridan will ensure that your property is safe from pests. They will also make use of techniques that are not harmful to other species and plants.

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